Payment method

We offer you the following payment types. Simply browse the list for the best payment type for you. Shipping costs may vary depending on the payment type selected. The prices given in the respective offers are final and include all price components (including any applicable tax such as value-added tax (VAT)). Other taxes (e.g. those applicable to intra-Community purchases) and/or duties (e.g. customs duty) are only incurred in connection with cross-border transactions and are payable to the respective customs and/or tax authorities and not the vendor. Delivery is free of charge, you can see to which countries we ship here.

Order online and simply collect your order from our store:

STILAMI Pop-Up Store

You can experience and try on our jewellery collection in person at our pop-up store in Vienna’s 1st district. We look forward to your visit!

Kohlmarkt 16
1010 Wien

Opening hours